First seen July 07, 2015. Last updated on February 18, 2024.

The credit card or debit card charge DIGISECBILLING.COM OSLO was first spotted on July 07, 2015. Do you know what the source of this charge is? Have you seen DIGISECBILLING.COM OSLO on your credit card, debit card, or prepaid charge card? If so, please comment below!

This charge has been reported as trusted by 28 users. This charge has been reported as untrusted by 304 users. Have you seen this charge? Do you trust it? Vote below!

Charge Information

Merchant Itpnetsol Inc (edit)
Website itpnetsol.com (edit)
Phone 9294000237 (edit)
Category Merch (edit)
Description E-commerce (edit)

This charge can also appear as:


What people are saying...

van bommel on September 15, 2015

who is charging

1 0
van bommel on September 15, 2015


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why.... on December 17, 2015

if anyone knows about this company that is charging, please let me know. They keep charging my father 399DDK.

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Marco on June 28, 2016

Your father is cheating on your mother... This is victoriamilan.dk charging

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luis on November 11, 2016

não fiz compra alguma e estão me cobrando.

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Arthurs on July 05, 2017

jeg ble svindlet av samme javle web

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Gustav Ditter on October 09, 2017

Bills from Digisecbilling.com The are from Victoria Milan Group.

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lesnik kálmán on January 07, 2019

Szeretném tolni magamat az oldalrol

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maxi on January 31, 2019

me cobraron en mi tarjeta y no se de que es! por favor si tienen alguna noticia avisen

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driesdwt01@gmail.com on April 12, 2019

This morning a unauthorized pay of R 1 197.97 with the reference - Digisecbilling.com I never approved this payment

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Benjamin on May 24, 2019

179.88 euros me cobraron por autorizar una compra de 3.88 euros me egañaron voy a notificar el fraude

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Jorge Pinto on June 07, 2019

This morning two unauthorized pays of 19.99 each one with the reference - Digisecbilling.com I never approved this payment!!

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Kristen on July 24, 2019

I had 3 charges from them on my account today. 149.97, 150.07, and 149.97. My bank notified me immediately and they were declined. Two of them referenced OSLO and one MALTA. I've never heard of them before! I submitted a message on this website to inform them of the fraud. Hopefully they can figure out who did it.

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Magnus Barnekow on January 06, 2020

I have been Charged for access to Victoria Milan without result. My card number is 5213 5800 1205 9328 Master card I hope you will pay me back or give me full access

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Judy Thornberg on January 11, 2020

I have 2 charges on my bank card for $149.97 and $1.20. Neither was authorized. I want my money back!

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Alex Petteno on April 04, 2020

As been charge to me 53 £

0 1
antonio miranda on November 24, 2020

sacaron de mi cuenta sin autorizacion y no se para que 1797 coronas noruegas , es un robo !

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Sperr kortet on May 27, 2021

Jeg er singel men ble nysgjerrig etter en del reklame for VM. Ville teste et billig basic medlemsskap. Ble istedet pålagt mange medlemsskaps oppgraderinger (!) jeg ikke hadde valgt selv, og trukket over 2000. Hørt om flere på Trustpilot som ble trukket mye mer og over tid. Sperr bankkortene deres! Og ikke la dere lure. Jeg melder dette inn til forbrukerrådet pga svindel.

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Villy Bendorff on July 10, 2021


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Stwve on September 15, 2021

These mf gor for 79.95 . Any way to go about getting my money back

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Meris Bilajac on April 03, 2022

Hei I går dere er treket fra konto mitt 2394kr jeg førstor ikke hvor for.Mvh Meris

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Rahel on April 25, 2022

U need to get back my money 2394kr which you still from my account

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Khaled on August 09, 2022

Jeg bliver snydt jeg skulle oprette en måned profil på 400 kr bliver trukket 3588 kr for et år Jeg har prøvet at sende en mail og vil have mine penge tilbage Jeg får svar Jeg synes det er snyd

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Khaled on August 09, 2022

I want my mony back 3588. Danish krone

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Khaled on August 09, 2022

Pliz i want my mony back 3588kr

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Khaled on August 09, 2022

I hope you send my money back thank you 7681.0001432186

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Marko on November 22, 2022

Pay money back on my account!!!

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Entison on August 08, 2023

they charged me 650sek

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Entison on October 08, 2023


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Szabó Erika on October 12, 2023

13400 forintot vonták le a számlámról

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Jan Wevers on November 13, 2023

I have a charge every 2 month of 117 euro by my credit card account

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Michael meehan on February 18, 2024

Victoria Milan has taking €174 from my bank trough this site

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Do you know what this charge is? Can you help out?