First seen September 07, 2014. Last updated on September 29, 2021.

The credit card or debit card charge SDL*SDXPAY.COM was first spotted on September 07, 2014. Do you know what the source of this charge is? Have you seen SDL*SDXPAY.COM on your credit card, debit card, or prepaid charge card? If so, please comment below!

This charge has been reported as trusted by 20 users. This charge has been reported as untrusted by 170 users. Have you seen this charge? Do you trust it? Vote below!

Charge Information

Merchant (edit)
Website (edit)
Phone 5634952796 (edit)
Category Refund (edit)
Description (edit)

This charge can also appear as:

  • Misc. Debit SDL*SDXPAY.COM

What people are saying...

wojciech urbanski on September 01, 2015

cancelled subscription

0 0
wojciech urbanski on September 01, 2015

cancel dating web site subscription

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Ian Cruickshank on November 18, 2015

this charge is being billed without my consent please cancel immediately

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Jake on February 11, 2016

Plz contact me regarding Hi i am having deductions come from my account without my concent i wish to change this and stop all future payments. This money should not be coming out as i DID NOT allow it i put my card details in upon signing up and was not a premium member and do not wish to use this site anymore. I have tried most things to contact this site and cancel but no comfirmation as of yet.

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Phillip on February 22, 2016

This is a "dating" web site and does not work but the charges are real

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Phillip on February 22, 2016

This is a dating web site but does not work as such but the charges are real

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ERNEST PHILLIPS on March 03, 2016


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ERNEST PHILLIPS on March 03, 2016

I have a charge of $59.95 on my credit card for something that I have no idea what it is for on 18 February 2016. I am asking that the money be returned to the credit card and nothing else charged to the card.

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Ricardo Melo on March 11, 2016

I have a charge of $59.95 on my credit card for something that I have no idea what it is for on 18 February 2016. I am asking that the money be returned to the credit card and nothing else charged to the card.

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Ricardo Melo on March 11, 2016

I have a charge of $59.95 on my credit card for something that I have no idea what it is for on 18 February 2016. I am asking that the money be returned to the credit card and nothing else charged to the card.

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Carlos on April 12, 2016

Ojo con sdxpay es un fraude y re roban tu credito completo.

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LM BRITS on May 15, 2016

Cancel my membership. I have requested this at least a month ago yet you continue charging me. What is happening?

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LM BRITS on May 15, 2016

Cancel my membership!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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LM BRITS on May 15, 2016

I can not recall ever joining any such.

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Pringle on April 13, 2017

What is charge

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Pringle on April 13, 2017

What are charges

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Eric W Kritz on May 10, 2017

pls cancel any and all recurring charges under my screen names: Thank you! Eric Kritz

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Eric W Kritz on May 10, 2017

various dating and "social media" sites.

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Eric W Kritz on May 10, 2017

I already answered this twice.

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Eric W Kritz on May 10, 2017

Jesus your site is really fucked up. this is the 3rd or 4th time I have to enter you Captch shit.

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mark weston on June 24, 2017

if I do not get a emediot full refunde then leagel action will begin 19/06/2017 5404********1786 Fin: SDL*SDXBILL,Flat 2, 3 C,+1661705502 Debit -£29.95 and I will contact the newspapers

0 0
Scott wilson on August 29, 2017

This a scam that is a bullshit dating site and your debit card number is pass around from their other sister companies that could be anything and they say they cancel you and won't refund and then they get you the next month and you have to call them agai . Call you bank and sick then on them

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Egidijus on September 12, 2017

Bapkes grąžinkite. Sukčiavimą nedare

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mark on October 27, 2017


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mark on October 27, 2017


0 0 on November 26, 2017


0 0 on November 26, 2017

Refund for match memberships $59.95. SDL*SDXPAY.COM

0 0
Jared laing on December 30, 2017

Please contact me please as my MasterCard was stolen about 4-5 hours ago and a transaction of$141.00 was taken from my bank account today I didn't make the transaction as the card was handed into the Wellington police station about 40nin ago I need that money for my little family as that money was for food for my kids for the week and my wife is crying her eye's out because that was all the money we had left for my kids this week so please please help my little family thanks please email me at thanks

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Leslie Drury on January 01, 2018

I have been ripped off. Of £99.95 p from SDXbill.comZ

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Reg Raby on February 22, 2018

I have a charge of $59.95 on my credit card for something that I have no idea what it is for on 18 February 2018. I am asking that the money be returned to the credit card and nothing else charged to the card

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Reg Raby on February 22, 2018

I have a charge of $59.95 USD on my credit card for something that I have no idea what it is for on 18 February 2016. I am asking that the money be returned to the credit card and nothing else charged to the card

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James Crocket on July 20, 2018

I have at least 6 charges that are mine.

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James Crocket on July 20, 2018

I don't recognize 6 charges on my credit card.

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Kelly on November 19, 2018

I want this charge off my card now please

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Ken squires on August 12, 2019

Cancel all memberships now

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Smith on June 24, 2020

I want this membership to be canceled I'm not paying anymore.

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Smith on June 24, 2020

Stop stealing from my credit card I want this membership to be cancelled

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David Lloyd on October 21, 2020

This shit is NOT valid. I was never informed OR agreed to any of these charges. I also want this shit cancelled. To rephrase this please cancel this and any of these accounts. As of 10/10/2020. Thank You......

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Martin Byrne on August 20, 2021

Cancel my membership

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Randy on September 29, 2021

I am just wanting to cancel any more monthly transactions. To any paying websites.

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Do you know what this charge is? Can you help out?